PTQ Report: Avacyn Restored in Basel

Hi all,

The other (we only get two slots 🙁 ) Pro Tour Qualifier Avacyn Restored was in Basel and was great! Despite the dark forces and daylight saving spell that stole everyone 1 hour of much needed sleep, 67 players achieved a successful registration for the tournament. Some were there as the last chance to get the much needed PW points to qualify for the WMCQs, some were there for the much coveted slot to Barcelona and others were there just to have fun (yes, those kind of players still do attend PTQs)…

I really think Modern is a very interesting format for all involved. Here a few impressions of the tournament:

After 7 rounds of swiss, we finally had the final standings and could start the top8….

Standings for 8th to 16th:

  • <Rang> – <Name> – <Points> – <OMW%>
  • 08 – Burgold, Lino – 15p – 63%
  • 09 – Pöpper, David – 15p – 54%
  • 10 – Studer, Yannick – 15p – 49.8%
  • 11 – Ahr, Marco – 15p – 49.6%
  • 12 – Duport, Oliver – 13p – 64%
  • 13 – Krauer, Florian – 13p – 63%
  • 14 – Pfaffhauser, Marcel – 13p – 50.5%
  • 15 – Guglielmini, Enrico – 13p – 50.38%
  • 16 – Blumer, Yann – 13p – 50.31%

The pairings for the quater-finals:

  • Burgold, Lino – Krebs, Markus: 2-0
  • Lam, Wilson – Hampl, Benjamin: 2-0
  • Barblan, Bengjamin – Solna, Remy: 2-0
  • Marti, Samuel – Gruia, David: 2-0

The pairings for the semi-finals:

  • Burgold, Lino – Lam, Wilson: 0-2
  • Marti, Samuel – Barblan, Bengjamin: 2-0

And finally the pairings:

  • Lam, Wilson – Marti, Samuel: 2-0

Congratulations to Wilson Lam for winning the slot to Barcelona! We wish you luck and hope you have fun!

Did you like the tournament? What about Modern? Do you have comments about the PTQ you would like to share? Post them in this forum thread! The Top8 decklist will soon be posted there as well….


2 thoughts on “PTQ Report: Avacyn Restored in Basel

  1. Hello, isn’t possible to know what’s the rating of players at 15 points? And how many points the players in top8 have done to enter in it? I’ve lost the last game to do 5-2, and before the last round i had 62% rating, and i was the 2nd in rating in the standing. So I can know if I would win last game maybe I could do top8 🙂 thanks

  2. Sure can do! I also added the 8th so you can see the difference…


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